Join in China - In-country support

In-country support

We provide our clients with the support, expertise and confidence they need to continue their Chinese journey long after we’ve left

Once you’ve taken your first steps to establish your business in China, you’ll want to maximise the opportunities available to you.

Building strong relationships is a vital part of growing your business in China – so much so, they have a dedicated word to describe it: Guanxi. Yet the Chinese do business very differently, and without in-depth knowledge of local culture and customs, you can face hurdles that slow your progress and cause frustration.

Building your network, communicating clearly and managing connections with clients and suppliers are all key to developing a successful business, and having Join in China on your side to guide you through the process is invaluable.

Our extensive network of established business contacts, partners and stakeholders in China helps you create a solid platform for the growth of your business, while speaking to them in their own language on your behalf minimises the chances of misinterpretation.


The success of any western business in the Chinese market is based on several factors – not least patience and tenacity! As well as providing a range of business concierge services, we use our experience, knowledge and contacts to help expanding businesses: 

• Build profitable networks with helpful and prestigious contacts

• Continue on-going communication
• Create real business opportunities

• Meeting planning and organisation

• Business representation
• Negotiate sales contracts

• Attend trade shows and exhibitions

• Supplier quality control

Want experts on your side to guide you through the challenges of the Chinese market?



Where to sit in a meeting - The place of honour is to the host’s right on a sofa or in chairs that are opposite the room’s doors. If the meeting is held around a large conference table, then the guest of honour is seated directly opposite the host.